
Century 23 - 5000 W. Oakey Blvd. Suite B5, Las Vegas, NV 89146 - (702) 870-1534 - Copyright 2013

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History of Century 23

4101 Meadows Lane 1986-2008

In 1986, Century 23 began building it's own building just down the street on Meadows Lane, across from the Meadows Mall.  Century 23 remained at this location for well over twenty years.  During those years, we saw the little Macintosh Plus grow into the Macintosh II and beyond.  Mac lines were to come and go like the Performa.  The iMac arrived in 1998 and changed everything again.  Color!  The Bondi Blue color of the first iMac was so compelling, that soon small appliances and many other products were Picture of Meadows Lane building, large white glass fronted with copper soffet roof.being produced in the same Bondi Blue color.  Apple followed by introducing a literal rainbow of iMac colors.  OS X replaced OS 9 with a powerful Unix based operating system.  Gray PowerBooks became black 15" beauties and eventually all metal cased Titanium models.  Apple introduce the iPod and changed the way we listen to music.  The 15" flat panel iMac G4 with it's clever screen on a flexible arm assembly debuted and computers changed again.  The screen sizes increased to 20" and eventually the arm disappeared to be replaced by the computer-inside-the-screen iMac.  PowerPC chips were replaced by Intel processors, the operating system advanced from OS X 10.0 to 10.6.  White plastic iMac's followed the PowerBook's journey to Aluminum cases.  PowerMac tower's with dual processors became MacPro's with dual quad core (8) processors models and are more powerful than the million dollar super computers of just a few years ago.

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Apple Certified Refurbished